I am a PhD student in the Computer Vision Group at the TU Munich, supervised by Prof. Daniel Cremers.
My research interests mainly lie in the area of 3D shape matching, while I am currently mainly focusing on partial shapes.
I received my bachelor's degree at Ludwig Maximilans University (LMU) and my master's degree at Technical University of Munich (TUM), both in computer science.


February 2024:

Our Paper “Partial-to-Partial Shape Matching with Geometric Consistency” has been accepted to CVPR 2024

October 2023:

Our paper “Geometrically Consistent Partial Shape Matching” was accepted to 3DV 2024

May 2023:

We present a poster about Non-Separable Multi-Dimensional Network Flows for Visual Computing on Eurographics

January 2023:

Started my PhD in the Computer Vision Group at TUM under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Cremers.

October 2021:

Our Paper: Shortest Paths in Graphs with Matrix-Valued Edges: Concepts, Algorithm and Application to 3D Multi-Shape Analysis was accepted to 3DV